This is my Resurrection Place. This is where I rediscover and re-create who I am by sharing with you what matters to me.
Creating connections.
I used to be active online, but doubt, fear, ridicule, some real, some imagined pulled me away. I ran into my scaredy-hole, believing the lies others and my mind screamed at me. I knew I was broken, that I had nothing of value to offer. So I withdrew. What I didn’t realize is that the brokenness actually created something of great value, both in me and to offer others.
Brokenness. A creative connection?
The hurt that devastated me, connected me with others in similar places of hurt. Providing me with empathy, with insight into the way such hurt twists and distorts. Providing me with healing words (once my own healing commenced). It also connected me with others further along the healing process.
Healing connections.
Intuitively I know, that for true healing to happen, I had to be honest, or, as I put it “transparent, with discernment.” Then was not the time to be transparent, honest, vulnerable online. It was appropriate that I withdrew. That was the time to open up to those who loved me, those who would protect me, encourage me and even rebuke me to aid my healing.
Intimate connections. Invisible connections. Life-giving connections.
As I walk into my healing, I realize it’s time. It’s time to rediscover . . . and re-create . . . the person I am and want to be. It’s time to re-connect. I’ll do that in several ways.
Creative connections.
I’ll share my interests my passions. I’ll share my insights I’ll share my faith, my motivations. I’ll share my suggestions and encouragement. If you are interested, stay. If not, go.
I want connections. Do you?
If so, enter here. Join the conversation or merely read and savor. Go on your way enriched. Connected.